A dreamy and inspiring Carnival Session at Alameda Fair.
From The Heart, is a project I created to celebrate motherhood.
It was created and offered during Mother’s Day, but the sessions were done throughout the year. Each mother have a unique way of caring and enjoying your child, and I wanted that each session spoked who the family truly was, other than create a session that had no meaning or was the same to everyone.
Mothers are a super humans and you pass through so much, since the planning on getting pregnant until the rest of your life.
So many women pass through really tough miscarriages, or have a hard time to get pregnant and not everyone knows that.
So when happens to you, you feel invalidated and think that you are doing something wrong when what actually happens is that getting pregnant is actually a miracle, it is not so easy to conceive.
Did you know that scientists say the odds of you being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion. Maybe even 1 in 400 quadrillion. That is incredibly unlikely to the point of impossible. Can you believe it?
YOU are AMAZING for trying and for giving birth to your little miracle when the time is right.
During this project, I asked my mamas to tell their maternity journey and it was so touching to read you all stories.
You are so inspiring and so special that I wanted that you feel special in this session.
Each of my mamas wrote a letter to their babies and sent to me, so I could build a session specific to each one of them and it was SO emotional to share this space with them.
We built an heirloom for their babies, where they will be able to run back and feel all the love from their mothers.
To never forget where they came from, how much they were loved and to pass through your own generations the strength and unconditional love and care that once they had.
Thank you mothers. You are amazing!!!!!
If you are looking to do a Mother’s Day Session like this, stay in the lookout and signup on my email list to be the first one to know once I open it.